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歡迎訪問(wèn)上海意羅涂料有限公司!   店鋪星級(jí): ☆☆☆☆☆

咨詢(xún)熱線(xiàn): 15921939111     

關(guān)于我們 ABOUT



上海意羅涂料有限公司是一家從事室內(nèi)外工程涂裝與藝術(shù)涂裝銷(xiāo)售的專(zhuān)業(yè)公司,意羅來(lái)自意大利,專(zhuān)業(yè)從事集研發(fā)、生產(chǎn)、銷(xiāo)售與服務(wù)于一體的生態(tài)壁材品牌。多年來(lái)意羅一直深耕歐洲,服務(wù)歐洲,為高端別墅、商業(yè)、酒店、KTV、會(huì)所等建筑內(nèi)外墻面提供功能性和藝術(shù)性兼具的內(nèi)墻飾面材料。 意大利意羅涂料在中國(guó) 今天,意大利意羅涂料股份有限公司,帶著與歐洲同步的技術(shù)、產(chǎn)品、服務(wù)來(lái)到中國(guó)上海。中國(guó)建筑市場(chǎng)的高速發(fā)展與中國(guó)客戶(hù)對(duì)品質(zhì)日益成熟的追求,使我們確信這是一個(gè)嶄新的開(kāi)始。 客戶(hù)的信賴(lài)和滿(mǎn)意度是我們最大的財(cái)富,意大利意羅公司將在高品質(zhì)產(chǎn)品與高質(zhì)量服務(wù)的緊密結(jié)合上依靠自己的 力量不斷創(chuàng)新發(fā)展,以確保我們?cè)谛碌氖袌?chǎng)中依然可以獲得強(qiáng)有力的新活力。不辜負(fù)客戶(hù)對(duì)我們的信任,是我們自 始至終的愿望。 Italy ROMAN ART coatings in China Today, Italy Roman Art coating Limited by Share Ltd, with synchronized with the European technology, products, services to China Shanghai. In the The rapid development of the construction market and the increasingly sophisticated Chinese customers on the quality of the pursuit, convinced us that this is a new beginning. Customer trust and satisfaction is our greatest wealth, Italy Roman Art company will be high-quality products and high quality service closely Relying on its own strength based on continuous innovation and development, to ensure that we remain in the new markets can be powerful new vitality. Do not live up to the trust of our customers is our desire, from first to last. 意大利意羅涂料在中國(guó) 今天,意大利意羅涂料股份有限公司,帶著與歐洲同步的技術(shù)、產(chǎn)品、服務(wù)來(lái)到中國(guó)上海。中國(guó)建筑市場(chǎng)的高速發(fā)展與中國(guó)客戶(hù)對(duì)品質(zhì)日益成熟的追求,使我們確信這是一個(gè)嶄新的開(kāi)始。 客戶(hù)的信賴(lài)和滿(mǎn)意度是我們最大的財(cái)富,意大利意羅公司將在高品質(zhì)產(chǎn)品與高質(zhì)量服務(wù)的緊密結(jié)合上依靠自己的 力量不斷創(chuàng)新發(fā)展,以確保我們?cè)谛碌氖袌?chǎng)中依然可以獲得強(qiáng)有力的新活力。不辜負(fù)客戶(hù)對(duì)我們的信任,是我們自 始至終的愿望。 Italy ROMAN ART coatings in China Today, Italy Roman Art coating Limited by Share Ltd, with synchronized with the European technology, products, services to China Shanghai. In the The rapid development of the construction market and the increasingly sophisticated Chinese customers on the quality of the pursuit, convinced us that this is a new beginning. Customer trust and satisfaction is our greatest wealth, Italy Roman Art company will be high-quality products and high quality service closely Relying on its own strength based on continuous innovation and development, to ensure that we remain in the new markets can be powerful new vitality. Do not live up to the trust of our customers is our desire, from first to last.